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 Surgery Preparation    

Pre-Surgery Information
Your Evaluation
The surgeon will need supporting information about your symptoms, as well as your general health to determine if surgery is safe and appropriate for you. Your evaluation will include:

  • Medical History Review
    A careful examination and review of your medical history will help the surgeon understand your general medical condition.
  • Medical Documentation Review
    You will forward X-rays, MRIs, CT Scans, photos, doctor’s diagnosis, reports, etc. to us that will be forwarded to your surgeon for evaluation.
  • Expectations Review
    Your surgeon would like to know what your expectations of the surgery are. We strive to provide complete satisfaction. We need to determine your expectations in advance to make sure we can provide you with your desired outcome. This has proven to be a very worthwhile task.
  • Doctor’s Diagnosis (on-site)
    A physical exam will be performed onsite to evaluate your actual condition before surgery.
  • Doctor Consultation (on-site)
    Your doctor will spend some time with you, onsite, before your procedure to explain the details of your operation.
  • Hospital Tour (on-site)
    You will have the opportunity to tour the hospital so you can have complete confidence of the capabilities within the facility.

Before Surgery
You will likely be asked to see your family physician or an internal medicine doctor for a thorough medical evaluation. To prepare yourself for surgery you may need to:

  • Lose weight (if you’re overweight)
  • Quit smoking (if you smoke)
  • Compile and bring a list of all medications and dosages
  • Inform your surgeon if you are taking aspirin or certain arthritis medications. You may need to stop taking these before surgery. If you are taking aspirin under the direction of a physician for vascular or cardiac reasons, your doctor may advise you to continue taking it as directed
  • Discuss donating your own blood ahead of time for a possible transfusion during surgery

Post Surgery Information

After Surgery
You will remain in the hospital for a predetermined period of time. This timeline will be established based on the procedure you are receiving and your specific medical condition. As an international patient, we must be sure to provide you with the very best of care. After your surgery, the best place for you to begin recuperation is in the hospital under constant surveillance. Your doctor will meet with you daily.

Hotel Post-Op Stay
You will be staying in your destination country for extended recuperation after being released from the hospital. This hotel stay has many advantages. Here are a few:

  • Continued access to your surgeon
  • Professional hotel assistance
  • Comfortable, private room for continued recuperation

Flight Home
There are several things to consider when planning your flight home.

  • You may want to consider wheelchair assistance within the airport terminals
  • You may want to request bulkhead seating on the plane for more room
  • You may want to bring along a doctors note to receive special assistance.

Home Entrance

  • Choose the entrance with the shortest route -- with the fewest steps to the main living area
  • If you have steps into your house, consider installing a firm handrail on either or both sides
  • Ensure that lighting is adequate
  • Clear a path from the passenger side of your vehicle to the entrance you’ve chosen

Bathroom Needs

  • If you have a toilet seat with a low height, use a raised commode seat to keep your hip from bending too far when sitting
  • Handrails or grab bars can make getting on and off the commode easier
  • Having a bedside commode may be a helpful choice
  • Grab bars can help with accessing your bathtub or shower
  • A tub or shower bench can offer additional safety and comfort

Shelves and Cupboards
To help you avoid excessive bending and lifting, arrange your shelves and cupboards with frequently used items at waist to shoulder height. For lighter items that are on lower shelves, be sure to have help or special tools handy to keep you from bending over at the hips.

Furniture Height
A good rule of thumb is to have a seat height that is at least 20 inches above the floor. If you sit down and your knees are above your hips, the seat is too low. If that’s the case, consider using a platform under the seat or couch to raise it to the desired height.

Preparing Floors, Doors, and Hallways

  • Remove throw rugs
  • Consider rerouting any electrical cords that might be a hazard
  • Remove doors that are either too narrow or that are heavy and hard to swing open, especially if they separate a frequently used walkway

Finally, be sure you have good lighting. Overhead and night lighting will be helpful, especially if you need to be up and about at night or at other times of low light.

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