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 Hospital Alvorada    

The hospital possesss 268 stream beds, amongst which, 227 stream beds of apartment and infirmary, 35 stream beds of Adult UTI and 6 stream beds of Infantile UTI. Moreover it possesss a unit of Hospital Day with 15 stream beds, and a unit of attendance Operatório Daily pay with 17 stream beds, Surgical Center with 14 rooms modernly equipped, being 2 rooms for Surgery Day. Also it possesss Laboratories, diurne and nocturnal Heliponto for assistências of emergência.Uma modern structure, with project bold architectural, allowing to highly offer specialized services.

One meets in its térreo floor, with about 1500m2 of attendance area.
The Hospital possesss 35 stream beds of Adult UTI, 6 stream beds of Infantile UTI.
    Hospital Day
It possesss 25 stream beds of Hospital Day, for the accomplishment of small procedures.
It possesss what it has of more modern in equipment and an ample team of doctors.
 Units of Internment
The Hospital possesss 6 floors of apartments and infirmaries.
The Hospital possesss ambulance service 24h.
 Scientific space
Place where the doctors will be able to attend the lectures, the courses and the surgeries.
 Comfort and Convenience
Integrated to theMedico-Hospitalar Complex, it offers diverse services.
The Hospital makes use of Chapel for all the interested parties in 9º to walk.
With service of maneuverer and insurance for tranquillity of the users.
Diurne and nocturnal for assistências of emergency.

Av.  Min. Gabriel de Resende Passos, 550 - Moema - CEP 04521-022 - São Paulo - SP

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